Overview, curtain poles and loads more

View from the north-west corner, our apartments in the left corner, village in front
View from the north-west corner, our apartments in the left corner, village in front

The other day a friend pointed out how I have many (pretty of course) pictures of details and it is hard to see from them how the whole thing looks like. I am yet to put a proper effort to that effect, but here are few pictures and a (sort of) video (!) to try and illustrate it a bit better.

View from the south terrace
View from the south terrace

On the picture above I was standing on the fourth terrace, there is still quite a bit of land behind me and loads to the left of me – including fifth terrace which really is a fertile field waiting for someone to have it ploughed and sown. One day…

The video is my first ever, 30 minute attempt to do anything with iMovie. I hope it is lot more powerful than this result shows. I will get back to that when all is actually finished. I was taking (or was thinking that I was taking) a picture from the same spot almost every time we were at the property. Turns out it wasn’t exactly the same spot – still – will be a cute movie sometime.
[themeone_video mp4=”” webm=”” ogg=”” youtube=”” vimeo=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/42933213″ poster=””]



I had to put a picture of this as the black rectangle is quite scary (and also cool). This is the machine room below the pool and very soon should be covered in stone. For a moment I was thinking we could have left it black like it is now – I think it is a (black) waterproofing layer of something – somehow, doesn’t really fit the “blend into environment” idea. It is amazing that the tiny tree in front of it survived all the machinery.

Curtain pole – it is possible
Curtain pole – it is possible

In the last post I promised the curtain pole saga. Well, once we stayed at a lovely place in France and I noticed what I thought was a very cool and simple curtain pole system. Being me, I took a picture (above) and made a mental note. It is fascinating how such notes stick flawlessly in my mind and most others (like connecting book names and authors that I have read (let alone haven’t) or who is current president of most, even European countries or many, many other things) don’t. So, just before render was up, I softly mentioned my curtain poles to builders.

Curtain pole – simples
Curtain pole – simples

The expert drawing was also presented. The builder’s reaction to anything even by an inch out of what they have seen before is facsinating (tz, tz, tz sound while sucking air inwards) – and is, I can confirm, having worked with builders in the UK and Croatia, universal (well, at least across those two parts of the world). Zillion and one reason for why and how this will not work, be dangerous and complicated was mentioned. Which only made me persevere more of course. I made couple of trips to places where people in blue overalls bend iron pipes, proved that it will work (ahem, they are still not up) and now have my holes above some windows. Saga continues as the locksmith who I found to cut and bend the pipes broke his tumb and is out for a few weeks 🙁 Will wait for him though.

Curtain pole – done – sorry about shitty picture
Curtain pole – done – sorry about shitty picture

Basically you just push bent iron pipe into the holes (where there are slightly bigger pipes, flush with the wall) and voila – curtain pole. It will be deep enough and the pipe will be tightly fitted to the inside one so only very strong, very tall and persistent child will be able to pull it out – and only if they can manage to do it precisely at 90 degrees. Enough about curtain poles.

New floor
New floor

We have found a new contractor for the floors in the other two apartments. They are being laid this Wednesday so fingers crossed. I have seen what he has done before and reasonably confident it will look OK. Am still worried about the colour as it is impossible to tell how will it dry out, but I think it will at least be smooth(er) than the other one. And that one we will leave as is, will just put sealant over it and pretend it is exactly as we wanted it to be.

Inside with the render
Inside with the render

Couple of picture of the rendered walls inside – I really need to figure out how will I photograph the interiors. I don’t like wide angle lenses as they can make the space look much larger than it is and also distorted. But will figure it by the time all is ready. Which of course is later that I thought, date being pushed by a bit every time – still, everybody is working hard so can’t complain that much.

Inside with the render
Inside with the render

Gives me time to drive around Zagreb and surrounding towns in search for old, wooden furniture to be “lovingly restored”. By me of course. Read: get it cheap and make it pretty. What is being sold in furniture shops, unless it costs loooaads, is depressing. I did find few more cool pieces – pictures coming soon.

Shower light to be
Shower light to be

Had to take a picture of the hole above. They had to drill through the gallery ceiling to make space for a spot light above the shower and toilet. That was another saga – in the end, I managed to find lights that cost a third of what was offered to me initially. And look OK, and have all the necessary waterproofing etc. One learns all sorts of crazy technical details while doing this sort of thing. Now they only need to work.


Such details include figuring out what type of facade render we need and want. Unbelievable. At one point I was thinking I will try an do this build “sustainably”. Geee that would be probably ten times harder. Not to dwell too much on this, there are too many choices, too little information that takes all factors in, too little people who are willing to explain. And probably too little people who know. We will insulate the old (our) apartment as it was build on the cheap and it is likely it will reach 30 degrees centigrate inside very fast. The new apartment’s very tick walls will do the trick for them. It seems at the moment that we have only one option for thermal insulation so am focused on choosing the right render. Steam permeability and waterproofing are two goals to be achieved. And, crucially, looks. There are at least three types of materials with various values for all these (sometimes unknown). It is a mess I need to untangle in the next two days. On the picture above is a sample (done with the wrong it seems material) that was made for us. I didn’t like the texture but Vanja says it is OK. So am not sure any more….


The doors are in – and look fabulous I say!

Door handle to be replaced
Door handle to be replaced

Another thing on the list is to find the right handles. Was at Zagreb’s (very cool and extremely fascinating) flea market (very early) this morning (Hrelić) and was sure I will find some – no luck – but we did buy a cool bench that needs “lot of work”.


I cannot resist pretty shades – look through the door.

Smarter pool
Smarter pool

And, faced with financial statements for the project am now thinking that the above could have been perfectly acceptable and slightly cheaper option for the pool 🙂

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