Vjeko the architect at Venice Biennale

Pulska Grupa – 13th International Architecture Exhibition entry for Croatia – Venice Biennale of Architecture
Pulska Grupa – 13th International Architecture Exhibition entry for Croatia – Venice Biennale of Architecture

To divert subject from the build a bit I am sharing some good news!

Pulska Grupa, of which Vjeko the architect is a member, is selected to represent Croatia on 13th Intl. Architecture Exhibition in Venice.

Pulska Grupa founded Praksa where Vjeko now works – an engineering cooperative for design, urbanism and architecture.

“As socio-economic association Praksa employs direct democracy regarding all activities, including collaborative work projects. Solidarity, mutual help, integration of cultural and political engagement in the sphere of production, education, exchange of knowledge and skills are some of the cooperative’s guiding principles.”

All the right words if you ask me 🙂

The Venice Biennale (Biennale di Venezia) is a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place once every two years (in odd years) in Venice, Italy. The Venice Film Festival is part of it. So too is the Venice Biennale of Architecture, which is held in even years – the one Pulska Grupa is participating in.

Pulska Grupa
Pulska Grupa

Beautiful set of circumstances (I think I can call it serendipity) introduced us to Vjeko – when I first met him in Lovrinići year and a half ago – I thought he was some random kid, “just” an apprentice in Branko’s contracting business. I did figure out by googling that he is a member of Pulska Grupa and that they are a cool bunch (link in Croatian) – which was partly the reason we decided to hire him as main architect (and partly because he already knew Branko the contractor and I thought I’ll get young talent for less money than some established names 🙂

Luckily that all proved true – and more. Good luck in Venice!

Vjeko Gašparović – Praksa – Pulska Grupa
Vjeko Gašparović – Praksa – Pulska Grupa
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