Many things

The grid
The grid

Hard to believe it has been a month since my last post. There was a couple of weeks of slower progress due to cold weather, but then it all started happening really quickly again – there are too many photographs to choose from and post.

Most importantly – there is no drama about anything yet. All going smoothly and as agreed. I keep waiting 🙂

As soon as the weather settled we drove to Istria and planned the next few weeks – finish the outside walls, start on the roof and start on the pool (real, serious pool – whoo, hoo).

Positioning the pool ‘in situ’ took me and Vjeko a good couple of hours. Measuring, remeasuring and me asking constantly – is it too big? is it too big?. It does look huge. It will eventually be 10x5m. I guess big is not the problem. Normally it isn’t. Judge for yourself.

Position and size of the pool – too big?
Position and size of the pool – too big?
Pool is being dug
Pool is being dug
Pool is dug
Pool is dug

I dig, you dig, they dug. Apparently you can also say digged. But not in the Oxford dictionary…

Pool and the pruga
Pool and the pruga

Lots of progress inside the apartments as well. Both galleries are finished. I love the height and think the space is quite cool already – cannot wait to see the roof on and get a real feeling for it all.

View from the gallery – apartment 1
View from the gallery – apartment 1

You can see the remains of the original walls, doors and window in the picture above…

View from the gallery – apartment 2
View from the gallery – apartment 2

The outside supporting wall is almost finished as well – it will meet the house in the end – and where the hole in the house to the right is now – there will be a tall window – so glass and stone will meet.

Supporting wall is almost finished
Supporting wall is almost finished
View from the apartment 2
View from the apartment 2

I will likely need names for the apartments – any suggestions welcome in the comments – either here or on Facebook. Below, proud (?) architect keeps everything under control.

Vjeko Gašparović – the architect
Vjeko Gašparović – the architect

This is the full height of the house – we were a bit worried at one point if the mass of stone above doors and lower windows will be too much (as there are only two windows on the gallery level) – but I like it quite a lot as is…

Finished height of the house

And now a couple of random pictures:

Yellow jumper
Yellow jumper

Too bad about that plank in the middle of my torso – I like how to colour of my jumper is the same as colour of the cladding. SlaÄ‘ana and Zdenko busy around me.

Blue, yellow and red
Blue, yellow and red

More liking of colours.

Our UK family
Our UK family

Finally, our UK friends visited us in Zagreb this weekend (I better not share the occasion) and we all went to Istria for two days. The fun was had and I think they all approve.  Northern Europeans are my primary target audience after all :)))) I had to photoshop Tom in as he took the picture – his head doesn’t normally float around – or does it? xxx

Off there tomorrow again. So more pictures and progress soon I hope! And more people visiting as the spring is at the door.

5 thoughts on “Many things”

    1. I think the official name for that is ‘armatura ploÄŤe galerije’. Hohoho. I thought it looked cool as well. It is now invisible under concrete…

  1. Ha! you thought your yellow sweater was cool (it was, of course) but it’s nothing compared to Tom’s complete camouflage jumpsuit. Nice one Tom!

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