Winter has been very uneventful at Pruga, hence no posts for such a long time. There was not even the snow drama of last year. However, as spring sprung I spend days editing todo lists before our “transhumance” (word I just learned – “seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures”) this Sunday.
Livestock, of course, is Mju Mju (scroll to the end if you follow the link).
To get us in the mood for the new season here are ideas/inspiration for a few projects we plan to do before first guests arrive.

I feel, although pretty, this one is too staged – no way these flowers are there for real. Plus – I wonder if one really goes out every evening (after guests fall asleep?) and stores all pillows away. If they are left outside, various animals would have a field day (well, night) and it would definitely not look this pretty in the morning. Plus, the dew of course.. hmmm…
On the other hand, I guess, since I wake up at 6 to tend to cake and pool – maybe just another thing for the list?

Probably won’t look this lavish, but something along the lines…

I already have lovely old scales that waited whole last summer to be put somewhere useful and to look pretty – this is the solution.

As wild garlic season is upon us – some pesto was made. Complete eye opener – use pumpkin seeds instead of pine nuts. I am sure the flavours are a bit less sophisticated than the classic basil/pine nut combination but it is delicious nevertheless. Plus, there is no need for extra garlic (depending on how young/old your wild garlic is). And pumpkin seeds here in Zagreb cost 16 times less than pine nuts. I was wondering why as I thought peeling/shelling/hulling pumpkin seeds is as painful as extracting pine kernels from the pine cones. It is not always as there are, in fact, hull-less pumpkin seed pumpkins. Who knew? Well, my friend N did.
I had to take the photo with the ruler as without it, I realised, you could have thought that the bowl is really small. With the ruler – you’d have to agree that this is enough pesto for the whole summer – there was a kilo of wild garlic.

We are taking these jars with us, so if you drop by…

I was a bit late with tomato seedlings this year as was away for two weeks during the peak “put seeds in” season. Still, I am sure they will catch up. Those slots that have not come out yet are peppers and pumpkins.

And, as is traditional – picture of Mju Mju for the end of the post – still in her city surroundings. Not for long!

*credit for all the pictures on my Pinterest page
Ja mislila ova prva slika Pruga!!! Reko woooow! 🙂
Pesto je mmmmljac prefin, iz prve ruke!
Welcome back! Spring is welcome after the wet winter. Looks like you have lots of creative projects underway!