The kitchens are here

Kitchen with lots of light
Kitchen with lots of light


I am writing this from our flat in Zagreb – far, far away from Pruga and a lovely, long summer. Sigh. Not that Zagreb is bad of course – in fact, we are still maintaining that if we manage this life of the country for six months a year and of the city for another six – that would be pretty near ideal. Still, was hard to leave.

Especially as we were rushed by an announced snow (which did fall (and melted since), so much that the road to Zagreb was closed on the day of our originally planned travel back.

Kitchen zoomed in a bit
Kitchen zoomed in a bit

Kitchens were installed. Not completely, appliances are still missing and few bits and pieces but they are in. And they look good. And it is very cool that the wood that you see is all salvaged from the old house, taken by a guy to Zagreb, prepared, put together and brought back.

No idea how come that I didn’t take more close up pictures – my excuse is that I had only three days between they were installed and that rush to pack everything and leave on Saturday.

And of course other things were finished in that time. Like taking few trees down.


And burning huge pile of branches and stuff.


The weather was soo wonderful and the light so great that day. And yes, those stone walls.

The way we worked
The way we worked

I was reminded of those stones today while being “manipulated” by a physiatrist. Noting major (I hope), but it is not very smart lifting heavy stones even if one thinks they know how to lift to protect the spine 🙂 Or if one thinks they are reasonably fit “for their age”.

On the last sunny day I panicked about how much I didn’t do and decided that despite apartments not being finished (sofas and appliances still missing, quite a few lights, most furniture needs to be tidied up a bit, curtains are not in, etc, etc) – I can take photos that can be used for marketing purposes during winter.

Here are some of the picture of one of the apartments (the other one is still more or less a storage space). The rest I will be adding to a new section on this site – with detailed info about the apartments, with prices and booking form – so it all really begins!

Kitchen with the hole for fridge and dishwasher
Kitchen with the hole for fridge and dishwasher

View from the eastern window


I do like it this bare but it needs a bit more warmth and welcome I feel.

It is interesting looking at these photos now – although I am not a professional and I did do this in a rush after a day of stone lifting – it shows how careful you need to be about details like bed spread, exact position of the chair, etc. On a beautiful spring day I will be retaking some of these…

I read recently about “behind the scenes” shoot – I need that huge screen attached to my camera while I take future ones. Or perhaps hire someone who knows a bit more about what they are doing…. or just have a selected eagle eyed friend on hand.

I was lying on the floor for this one:


I am still awaiting some paperwork for categorisation and the next thing is to start advertising asap while making it legal to start letting. Fingers crossed.

9 thoughts on “The kitchens are here”

  1. Ajmeee! Kuhinja! Predivno. Opet se cini kao neki drugi prostor od onoga sto smo zadnji put vidjeli. A drvena kuhinjska vratasca!! Nigdje nisam vidjela da su tako lijepa i tako… drvena! 🙂

    1. Da, da – Bruno! DoÅ¡o u Lovriniće, izabrao daske, odvezo ih u Zg, sredio, vratio, montirao 🙂 Cool, ha?

  2. meni je super fotka sa bazenom i odrazom drveća i grana, žedna sam od gledanja ili sam preslano jela?!

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