After three months of waiting for a sunny weekend coinciding with us not being busy in Zagreb we have finally packed a vanload of stuff and, braving snowy mountains on our way, headed sunless towards Pruga.
It was really cold, we met some people, arranged few things, decided it was too cold for us to sleep over, went back to Zagreb and the next day drove another vanload – exciting and efficient weekend indeed. The only drawback is that the final mess from my parents’ garage is now divided between the two apartments that are being advertised as “the ultimate summer retreat”.
I even had the photo of the mess – but decided to self-censor – there might be some potential guests or those who have already booked reading this (so far, I gather it was only friends and family).
Yes – we have some bookings – very exciting and encouraging – especially as all have commented how they like the interiors which is exactly what I was hoping for – people who appreciate this sort of approach to how things should look like will find us. Yay!
So, for you dear booked and potential guests, please don’t worry – the plan that is on the path of execution is that even the curtains will be up by Easter!
In what we found at Pruga – first the good news.

The garlic and broad beans that I put in at the end of October are doing great – snow and cold is good for these guys as expected.

I am waiting for few more degrees to saw seeds here on my windowsill in town – and take the seedlings there in March.

Magically, some fruit trees were planted. Well, not really magically, I have agreed with the “fruit tree specialist” neighbour to plant some – he said he’ll do it in the spring but apparently there was good time between November and now when he did it. Few years from now… we will enjoy a cherry or two.

Some parsley has gone crazy. I’ve not heard it say “feed me”.
Unfortunately there are bad news as well. One of our “laundry line supporting” oaks split in half under the weight of snow. Very sad.

Then good news again – our house was featured in a supplement of one of Croatia’s daily newspapers. Cool!

blago tebi, kakav vrt 🙂