A bird was harmed during making of this post

Mitzy and bird

So, cats. Pets or predators, pets and predators, pets or predators,…. Still so confusing. 

We thought Mjumju was a hunter. There were few mice, countless grasshoppers and lizard tails, even a baby bird or two. But ‘lightning speed claw’ Mitzy is becoming scary. There were mice of course, small birds and big birds, a squirrel that managed to escape, big lizards – but when she brought a bird into my bedroom this morning, took me few hours to calm down (and calm I have to be as of course there is a cake to make and breakfast to serve for our lovely guests, who are blissfully unaware of the carnage this side of the house).

Vanja has been travelling for work quite a bit this summer and she seems to prefer the times when he is away to bring these gifts. I guess she thinks I am not capable of feeding myself when he is away.

S t r e s s f u l.

I managed to save this morning’s bird. I fear it is one of very few that escaped.

During the first one of these I-am-on-my-own-and-there-is-a-bird-in-the-house episodes I called a friend who coolly said: “First thing to decide: which side you are on? It is easy from there on.”. Yeah, like that is easy decision to make.

Moving on from cat dramas, we explored new parts of Istria (there are still many to explore event after us being here for the sixth summer). The side between us and Učka, kind of northeast from us is not well known, to roads are extra windy, but no doubt that will also become “up and coming” soon.

Our cool architect Vjeko told us last year about the project he was working on and we finally went to visit. Possert, another amazing medieval castle to visit, have a picnic and enjoy the green silence.

Possert, Istria

Possert (stairs by Vjekoslav Gašparović)

These stairs were designed by Vjeko (Vjekoslav Gašparović) and they look amazing, going all the way up the top of the tower where one can enjoy the view.

Stairs in Possert

View towards Belaj from Possert

Then following on from that view, you drive another mile to get the the new castle the same family build few centuries later. It is being refurbished right now, with plans for a wine bar and it looks like it could be a fine spot for a glass of wine or two one day soon.

Belaj castle

Then driving a bit more, you get to yet another cute hilltop village of Boljun where we had lunch in Boljunska konoba – stuck in time somewhere 30 years ago, definitely authentic (so many are searching for authenticity and we think this would tick most the boxes). Decent pasta, very good crepes for desert, unbeatable view on Učka mountain. No idea why I have no picture of that view.

Boljun, Istria

All in all, lovely half day trip with – as they say – “lots of potential”.

Doors in Boljun, Istria

This is just a random picture of the view from Grožanjan – still one of our favourites.

View from Grožnjan

Back at home, this summer’s weather was amazing. Properly hot (often over 40 degrees C, which is how I think summers should be) and sunny, sunny.

Not sure if and how they are related to the temperatures, but there were a few freaky storms of which one hit Pruga. This was the morning after:

Damage from summer storm

But that was fixed soon and the days of fun and leasure continue, already with the low gorgeous autumn light and that fresh cool smell in the air.

I saw these words somewhere:

“Autumn killed the Summer with the softest kiss…”

This is how it felt today.

Pruga - deckchairs with plums

Pruga pool with feet

We had a wasp invasion (I guess because it was soo hot.) Not sure if anybody managed to have any honey for breakfasts – the danger of one getting into your mouth was real.

Pruga wasps 2017

And pickling season is here – next post could be all about tomato salsa and jams.

Cornishons were first:

Spices for pickled cornishons

Pickled cornishons, Pruga 2017

This is our pathetic this year’s tomato harvest – so sad that it didn’t work as well as it normally does.

Pruga tomatoes 2017

And there she is. I am Mitzy, hear me roar. When I don’t sleep that is.

Mitzy - hear me roar


6 thoughts on “A bird was harmed during making of this post”

  1. I have had the wasps too! Those darn yellow jackets everywhere and some others bigger, badder and bitchy! My three kitties (Kiki, Angelina & Oliver) are all sleeping in little piles around the house currently, after a day of ripping apart lizards, a sweet little yellow bird, and countless butterflies. Heartbreaking on the one hand, natural on the other. Love getting a peek into your world, looks magical and intriguing…

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