Stresses of country life


There is, I think, a serious point to be made on the “stresses of country life” subject.Living here, wanting to be part of at least some of the things that “country” means: having a garden with some food, flowers and trees, living in sync with what seasons offer, enjoying the company of cats and dogs (or in our case one cat as MjuMju is a very, very territorial one), making sure the property looks at least decent for our lovely guests, running a b&b,… work does pile up and the idea of spending most afternoons reading on a terrace or at the beach does not realise itself often.

Still, I guess you better judge by yourself about how hard it is:


After initial few very busy weeks of preparing soil and planting things (we are already late to start as we get here at the end of April, and by the time we get the apartments, surroundings and pool ready for guests, garden comes last, so we plant in the second half of May most years) – strawberries are one of the first joys. Battle with slugs is neverending. About half goes to them and another half to us. Sigh.


Then one has about two weeks to pick elderflowers and make cordial. Not a huge job, but if not done in that smallish time window, on a sunny day, you missed it for the whole year. And sage flowers – so pretty and smell so nice – how to resist making sage flower cordial as well. More work! More joy!


Then one’s friend may come to visit and take a leisurely walk just around the corner. And comes back with asparagus (and poppies for effect). One then starts thinking “why didn’t I go and find asparagus yet, are they really this near and I buy them on the market in Pazin… am I being wasteful or just pragmatic?”….


Then one could put out laundry as it is sunny-ish and one hopes those clouds will go the other way. Then 15 minutes later it all turns out completely dark and stormy…. and laundry is brought back inside.


And then that annoying ugly orange coloured but otherwise rather pretty wicker mini-sofa is waiting to be painted for the second year now. So, get some paint, sand, paint and watch it peel after a surprise storm where everything got soaking wet even under the terrace roof. One could call it shabby chic of course….


Then one day one does go for a walk that one said they will do daily as it is so close and so lovely (now is June already and you missed the pretties meadow flower displays). One still catches some beauty.


Then you go through your ever growing Pinterest “crafts” and “diy” boards and finally make that cute tic-tac-toe you have planned for the last three seasons and had pebbles brought from the beach on the year one.


And you host lovely guests who buy lovely things and display them for all to enjoy while they are here.


And you don’t tend the garden nearly as often as you should and are very, very happy when things grow nevertheless (but don’t post pictures of green beans completely ruined by aphids or zucchini by some plague).


Then you click on the camera by chance while it is on the table in the “selfie” mode.


Or come home in horror and scare for those great looking tomatoes having just missed the most horrible storm of the season.


And then you see the rainbow…


Then (this one is really hard) you have to try new gin and tonic recipe and share it with guests who became friends…


So, not sure if one should take after Miki…


Or MjuMju…


and finally adopt Istrian “pomalo“… (t-shirt by Mustra).


Or curl into a ball and then open yourself demanding cuddles.

3 thoughts on “Stresses of country life”

  1. So next year Easter time we go and pick all the asparagus there is “in da hood”, combining it with some local eggs to a great frittata. Well that’s agreed then.

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