What happens in 20 days in the middle of not much in the height of summer? Well, not much.
We have settled into a routine of sorts. Most importantly, we have that long awaited 10Mbit connection and Vanja is happily working away from his “office” here in Lovrinići. I say happily not ironically. Imagine waking up and having a breakfast with the surroundings below.

I took this particular picture the other day while we had the breakfast because we saw red squirrel drinking from the pool. For real. I was too slow to catch her on camera but it did happen. There was lots of oohing and aahing. We also (finally) have a visiting cat – few more mornings of bribing her with ham and she will stay here I say.
Then work starts and I either go to Pazin to buy something or wait for tradesmen who are still fixing bits and pieces around the house – I even did some proper work in the form of painting stairs that lead to the galleries in the apartments. Most things on an enormous “todo” list are moving at the snail pace – everybody is still on holidays and I doubt much will be done before middle of September.
So I’ve abandoned the idea/wish to have paying guests this September and I’ve just changed the website to say we will have our first guests for Easter 2013.
Which we decided is more than fine – we had lots of our friends and family over, and still are expecting some. Many use cases and testing, exchanged opinions and ideas for what we could and should do with the place and lots of fun and food and joy.
When we have no guests, we invite local kids to swim in the pool – quite an attraction – for them and for us. We met most people in village – and really it is all pretty idyllic. Our first neighbors have a garden just behind our house and more mornings than not – a pile of fresh tomatoes, aubergines and zucchinis await for us on the wall when we wake up. I’ve not yet gone to the market to buy vegetables when we are on our own.
Back to Vanja’s work day – lunch made of those fresh vegetables is on the table under the walnut tree around 2pm. And after work, around 6.30 – a nice swim.

Anybody jealous yet?
And finally, to justify the title of the post – we have assembled our own bed. Not sure if I wrote about my general annoyance of the choice of furniture to buy. Especially beds. Beds made of real wood, not chipboard, that don’t cost the earth and that are SIMPLE. So some googling later I found reasonably good instructions, bought some wood and two evenings after we finally got to it – voila:

It needs to be sanded and painted. We just bought the necessary stuff today – the colour will be very light grey. It was tested for almost two weeks now – and we are so happy with it that we also bought the wood to make two more for the apartments. I don’t have any doubts that they will be sturdy enough and I will be making the headboards myself anyway.
What else? We had the first rain yesterday – not enough to make any difference to the crops unfortunately. Drought is a problem – while we are enjoying super hot and sunny summer, farmers are less happy. Also, sadly, there are lots of bush fires around – one was quite close to our house – we even had firemen in the village – luckily, all was dealt with quickly.

Another picture of double rainbow from the start – as it was quite spectacular and it happened just after the rain above. Still, wishing for some rain after the sun this time.

Double Rainbow all the way across the sky!