Life at Pruga (the beginnings of)


It was two weeks yesterday since we moved in. Huh. Pretty busy two weeks and I write this from bed after a set of guests including Vanja the husband (aka somebody-has-to-work) have left. All alone. Not scared at all. At. All.

Doing stuff not to go to sleep is good so here is an update. The above picture was taken on Friday morning I think when I was hoping I will write this. Getting up at 6 is still not something I mastered and it turns out there are few others who get up before 9 and coffee is the thing to do then, not editing pictures using Gimp on the tiniest monitor ever and no mouse. I know there is better way, just need to invest some time, stop driniking coffee and find better way.

Morning terrace
Morning terrace

This is the place for morning coffee and breakfast. There are no chairs as we still don’t have two sets so we keep moving them from one terrace to another. Please try and imagine beautiful pergola here with the wisteria in the corner so big that it is providing shade even after 11am.

Afternoon terrace
Afternoon terrace

Until then, we move to the shade above (which conveniently starts after 11) and continue lazing about.

Some people even dared to leave Lovrinici and go visit Motovun Film Festival or explore some of Istria. Old town in Labin, for example, is really quite lovely. In an arty and old Italian palaces crammed on top of a steep hill sort of way. Some restaurants were sampled. I totally recommend both Vela vrata at Beram (amazing beef) and Ograde at Katun Lindarski (peka – meat and potatoes baked under a special iron lid under live embers and some serious grappa (made of olives!).

Back at Pruga there is a pool!

Pool in the morning
Pool in the morning
House viewed from the pool
House viewed from the pool
Pool at night
Pool at night

Pretty cool and mostly functioning seamlessly. Apart from draining itself a bit on occasion and having to replace some of the valves… Normal troubles when things are so new?

Istrian prosciutto
Istrian prosciutto

We bought and already ate almost a quarter of a very fine Istrian prosciutto. The lovely Mladen the pool guy recommended it and to us uninitiated in Istrian prosciutto ways it is a revelation. Sweet and nutty – I seem to prefer to nibble on it on its own. A very special treat. Sorry about that green cloth.

The throne
The throne

The throne was built out of roof beams remnants – waiting for me to finally start on many many projects that await so this place is brought to the state ready for paying guests. At this pace, that will be September at the best (I mean starting the projects :).

Stopping ants (not)
Stopping ants (not)

Living so close to some serious nature has its drawbacks. There are insects galore. And random apparently non-poisonous reptiles and arthropods. Wikipedia is our best friend. And ants can only temporarily be stopped by thick chalk lines. Flies are most annoying. I really have the urge to start killing them and then I remember that scene with Agrajag (ok, I had to google the name) from THGTTG. Most people wave their hands about when wasp is around which is the very thing to avoid doing. Ah, and stars are a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

Toilet paper is very important
Toilet paper is very important

Interiors are let’s say functional. And of course beautiful in their bare-bones. See the note above about projects not starting. Still, the impression can easily be manipulated by correctly positioned camera angle.

Massive chest of drawers
Massive chest of drawers
Waking up (in an unlikely event of leaving shutters open)
Waking up (in an unlikely event of leaving shutters open)
Rug no. 1
Rug no. 1
Rug no. 2 (preferred in this context)
Rug no. 2 (preferred in this context)

Piles of stuff for the “projects” are on the other side of the room. And there are no kitchens yet. Or shower curtains. Or waste bins or things to hang towels on.  Not to mention that the rest of the website needs to be updated with new pictures. And pretty much no SEO work has been done for weeks and weeks. Hmmm…

Still, pretty good beginning overall. I was told I have “baby brain” – as in all I think of is what could and should be done around the place (“the baby”). I totally do. There are many lists in my phone.

Quite a few of our family and friends have visited so far and more are coming. They all seem to like it, he he.

Thanks to all reading, supporting, commenting – I hope to see you all here very soon!

BTW Preferred rug was made by my late grandma. Seriously. I have few more. They have been waiting for the right interior for many, many years. And are in perfect condition. I hope there will be many stories weaved around and for Pruga. Including some baby hedgehog stories.



1 thought on “Life at Pruga (the beginnings of)”

  1. Wow, cannot believe how great everything looks! I esp. Love the “Pool at night” shot.
    Must. Get. Out. There!

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